
Monday, 30 September 2019 12:24

What You Should Know About Webdesign

I recently received a call from a business in the Healing & Health industry. This person asked her webdesign guru for a simple addition to her web page. He refused to do it and told her to log in and do it herself! When she decided to give the webdesign work to me to do, he deleted her entire web site and database!

Are you ever the true "owner" of a web site that you paid money to own? The people that you as a business owner trust with your entire online business, are these people worth of your trust? Your business is the one way of serving online clients, are the people behind it worthy of your trust? It is no joke to lose a web site that existed for the past 6 years and the database with all your client contact details and the people you resell to monthly!

Published in Webdesign
Monday, 30 September 2019 11:59

Webdesign Planning

What is webdesign?

Webdesign is a presentation of content related to a business using design and graphic principles on the internet in the form of web applications and web sites. It involves planning, graphic design and web page development.

Webdesign differs from web development which is more technical and involves website dynamics, functionality and often content managed webdesign and development. The basic principles of web development : Database Driven web development opposed to static webdesign have a vast array of functionality like Forums, Newsletter systems, User Registration abilities, online shopping, to name a few. Another possibility with a Database driven web site is to give the owner or several owners the ability to manage their own web site content which is called content managed websites or CMS.

Why is webdesign necessary?
Webdesign is very important for any business looking for success in the online world as a website gives your business worldwide exposure.

Many business owners think that it is all about offline marketing and printing. Although offline marketing is essential in any business marketing plan, your online webdesign or web development plays a vital part in the bigger business marketing picture.  

Published in Webdesign
Monday, 30 September 2019 11:24

Webdesign in South Africa

Having your web design done in South Africa would not mean that it is limited to South African web design strategies. Webdesign in South Africa has evolved dramatically in the past 2 years. In Fact, webdesign done in South Africa today is of a very high standard if you can lay your hands on the correct South African webdesign company.

Webdesign in South Africa follow strict Global standards and the big plus behind having your webdesign done with a South African webdesign company would be the price.

Published in Webdesign
Monday, 30 September 2019 11:10

Choosing a Web designer

So what is it about web design that you should know prior to choosing a web designer?Your website is full of useful information and you're proud of it. But you've tried to create something that looks attractive as well - but you can't seem to get it together.

Rave reviews don't come your way and your website is a flop. You want to fix it but you don't have the big budget, you need to hire a great web designer!

Published in Webdesign
Monday, 30 September 2019 11:02

Webdesign, Webhosting and Domain hosting facts

How would online clients searching in a local Search Engine for your product or services, during the course of the next few weeks, find your web site and what they are looking for? 
Do you have the ability to let your domain name show up in Search Engines? Your competitors do...


Published in Webdesign