
Monday, 30 September 2019 11:02

Webdesign, Webhosting and Domain hosting facts

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Webdesign, Webhosting and Domain hosting facts Webdesign, Webhosting and Domain hosting facts

How would online clients searching in a local Search Engine for your product or services, during the course of the next few weeks, find your web site and what they are looking for? 
Do you have the ability to let your domain name show up in Search Engines? Your competitors do...


For every R1 that is being bought online today, there is going to be over R1900 spent. BUT for every business online making that money today there will be over 16000 businesses trying to get that extra R1900 by the year 2014!

Therefore the marketing of your web site would have to be at least 14 times more powerful than today – you will have to spend 14 times more money to get the same results!

Get your webdesign done now, get your site optimised for search engines (SEO) Appear online to get the sales your competitors are getting! Read on to find out how you will benefit, from having a web site online, that clients already wanting your product or services, would find and become your clients....

Our services include : Helping you choose a domain name, Domain name registration, domain hosting, Webdesign, e-mail, Search engine Optimisation. Graphic Design, Graphics optimisation, logo design, letterhead logos, Graphic layout design for corporate stationary, graphics for your corporate identity. We don't sell cheap hosting, but we can sell you good hosting at a cheap price.

Webdesign facts you should know
If you can't design it good enough get us to do your web design for you or use one of our templates and simply add your own content. We have predesigned web page templates to suit every need. The most important factor in any business would be first impressions. They do last sadly and while you having your site designed make sure you get what you are paying for. Have you ever clicked to open a page and it is so busy showing you all sorts of irrelevant info that you can't find what you are actually looking for? Our designs are clean and without clutter that would drive your clients to leave your website. Ever looked at PHP code and tried your best editing graphics for your web site? We do this on a daily basis and have more than enough experience to do it professionally for you. Give us your design hassles so that you can use your time where it's required, in your business.

Many SA Businesses think they can get away with old school marketing methods. Truth is they can but, how much more profitable could they be when they choose to employ International Internet Marketing strategies ? Is you business doing the best it could ? Would it make sense to not only have a web site like many businesses do, but actually be found in Search Engines?

Read 1384 times Last modified on Monday, 30 September 2019 11:10
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